Community Job Link assists individuals with disabilities in locating competitive employment in the community.
Other services provided include job coaching and follow-along services for individuals who are working in the community.
Key aspects of this program include the following:
- Offers paid work experiences, including trial work experiences
- Develops resume writing and effective interviewing skills
- Provides assistance for completing employment paperwork and learning the job
- Includes job coaching and follow-along services
- Makes available vocational related transportation up to the first day of employment
The Details
Community-based employment is a goal for many people with disabilities. Our Community Job Link program assists clients in finding community employment that interests them, is enjoyable, and that they can be successful in. In 2020, the percentage of working-age people with disabilities working full-time was 18%. This low percentage means that our local businesses have not taken advantage of this larger talent pool for positions that are often difficult to fill.
The Arc of Evansville is building a culture of acceptance and awareness in our community. Just as our services enrich the lives of those served by enabling them to live, work, and volunteer in our community, the Community Job Link program also enriches the community as individuals with disabilities share their skills, stories, and potential with their colleagues, friends, and neighbors.
The Community Job Link program follows best practices in the field of service delivery for people with disabilities. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), whose purpose is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services.
The Impact
- 96% of new hires remained employed after 60 days of employment placement.
- Most job placements are made within 2 months.
The Basics
Services are provided in the place of employment of the individual served. Service hours are not limited to weekdays or daytime hours. Services are provided for individuals of working age.
Key Staff
Jack Maxwell, Manager of Community Job Link
To speak with the key staff person, or to schedule a meeting, please call (812) 492-1204 or email Jack Maxwell at jack.maxwell@arcofevansville.org