Arc Industries is a packaging, assembly, and distribution facility that offers employment and vocational training to more than 80 individuals with disabilities.

The Arc of Evansville staff assists in developing work skills and behaviors, so those served can obtain and maintain competitive community employment.

Key aspects of this program include the following:

  • On the job training for building knowledge
  • Supervision and assistance for achieving valuable work skills
  • Gaining key work safety skills
  • Increasing non-work skills typically referred to as “soft skills”
  • Developing new relationships
  • Increasing earnings which directly impacts independence
  • Positions are available at enclave locations in the area

The Impact

  • Average client earnings increased by 10% resulting in more earned income.
  • Historically, 86% of individuals met their established productivity rate in the first 60 days.

The Basics

Located at 2515 Kotter Avenue, Evansville, IN 47715 and also at our off-site facilities. Hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. Services are provided for adults of working age and are in a sheltered-work environment.

The Details

Community-based employment is a goal for many people with disabilities. For many years it was acceptable for an individual with disabilities to leave the public school system, move to a sheltered-work environment, and remain there until the age of retirement. Now, employers recognize individuals with disabilities for their ability, desire, and willingness to work. With this recognition, sheltered-work is no longer considered a stopping point but instead is looked at as a step for individuals with disabilities to move towards achieving greater economic and social well-being.

The Work Services program prepares individuals with disabilities for future community-based employment and follows best practices in the field of service delivery for people with disabilities. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), whose purpose is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services.

Key Staff

John Miles, Chief of Finance

To speak with the key staff person, or to schedule a meeting, please call (812) 428-4500 x252 or email John Miles at 

Services for Adults