Indiana’s Caregiver Support Services Program is Now Accepting Applications!
This program provides temporary assistance to families who are caring for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and still reside with their family or a legal guardian. These funds are limited and are available on a first come first serve basis. Applications can be submitted in-person, online or by mail. To mail or apply in-person, please visit The Bureau of Development Disabilities Services (BDDS) District Office at 700 E. Walnut Street; Evansville, IN 47713. To apply online, click here.
Special Needs Trusts & ABLE Accounts
Trust Accounts and ABLE Accounts are all valuable tools in your future planning. The options below will help you determine which account is best for you and your loved one with disabilities.
3rd Party Trust – The Arc Trust I
- Funds come from gift or inheritance
- No max annual contribution limit
- No Medicaid payback
- Earnings may be taxed
- No age limitations
- Covers qualified disability expenses and more!
- No min/max balance
ABLE Accounts
- Funds can come from anyone
- Max annual contribution limit
- Medicaid payback
- Earnings are tax free
- Age limitations
- Covers qualified disability expenses only
- No min/max balance (SSI suspended if >$100,000)
1st Party Trust – The Arc Trust II
- Funds come from individual’s own money
- No max annual contribution limit
- Medicaid payback
- Earnings may be taxed
- No age limitations
- Covers qualified disability expenses and more!
- No min/max balance
If you are interested in learning more about the Trusts and ABLE Accounts and would like to attend a presentation led by a representative from The Arc of Indiana, please contact Kayla Schmitt at (812) 428-4500 x303 or at kayla.schmitt@arcofevansville.org.
Medicaid Waiver Guide
The Medicaid Waiver allows Medicaid to fund supports and services for children and adults with disabilities in their homes or their community. Medicaid Waivers allow an individual to use traditional Medicaid services along with additional services that are also available under the waiver. Click here to find out if you or a family member would qualify.
You may apply for the Family Supports Waiver through your local office of the Bureau of Developmental Disability Services (BDDS). Call 800-545-7763 to do so. If you need help applying for a waiver, you may call
- The Arc of Indiana at 317-977-2375 to speak with a family advocate.
You can check your status on the waiver waiting list and keep your information updated at BDDS Wait List Portal.
Future Planning 101
Future Planning is creating a guide for a person with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) to lead a good life as independently as possible. A plan is important throughout all stages of life and especially in the future after the parent or caregiver is no longer able to provide support. For more information, click here.