Behavior Support Services determines the reason or function of undesirable behaviors and assists individuals in replacing them with more appropriate social adaptive skills leading to increased relationships and independence in the community.

Key aspects of this program include the following:

  • Highly-trained specialists work one-to-one with individuals, families, and direct service staff
  • Individualized behavior plans and strategies are developed
  • New skills are learned in real-world settings
  • Stability of the family unit is maintained and supported
  • New relationships are developed

The Impact

  • 100% of children and young adults were able to stay in school to continue their education.
  • 97% of those served were able to stay in the family home.

The Basics

Services are provided for individuals of all ages. Our Behavior Support Specialists are available seven days a week and can accommodate various schedules. We will work with you to provide our service in your home, school, work, or at The Arc of Evansville facility at 615 W. Virginia Street.

The Details

Behavioral Support Services are defined as, “A broad range of systemic and individualized strategies for achieving important social learning outcomes while preventing problem behavior.” The Arc of Evansville employs Behavior Support Specialists to work with parents, caregivers, and direct service staff to enable the individual to successfully live, work, and enjoy recreational activities within their community.

Completion of a functional behavior analysis includes determining the purpose of behavior and understanding the situation from the perspective of the client. Families and direct service staff receive needed assistance and support in implementing successful Behavioral Support Plans. Individuals with disabilities will be assisted in managing their own behavior and acquiring more socially appropriate behavior.

The Behavior Support Services program follows best practices in the field of service delivery for people with disabilities. The program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), whose purpose is to promote the quality, value, and optimal outcomes of services.


To speak with a staff person, please call Megan Prickett, Behavior Support Manager, at (812) 549-4523.

Services For Children